Speedlight L-O-V-E

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ummmmmm yeah, there have definitely been a few "AAAAHHHHAAAA" moments for me while learning about photography. Tonight I had a HUGE moment of clarity. My Speedlight came today and WOW what a difference! As soon as my daughter was asleep for the night I got out the manual and started reading. I also went online and watched a couple of videos and read a few blog posts on the subject. I attached the Speedlight to my camera took a deep breath adjusted my settings and viola...a decent picture taken in doors at night! I am really stunned at the difference. Worth every penny! I still LOVE (and prefer) taking pictures in natural light, there is nothing like it but with the use of a Speedlight it is a fairly close substitute. There have been so many occasions and wonderful moments missed because I refused to use my pop up flash (I am stubborn like that). I am still figuring out all of the settings but here is a shot from my first attempt at using my Speedlight. Nighty night!!